Aditi Karmakar
1 min readJul 13, 2020

The silhouette of the tress against the lavender sky from a tucked away cafe, which became our spot for the lazy weekend evenings, a cup of hot chocolate wrapped inside my hand and copious amounts of memories shared with a friend, at that moment life seemed perfect. Not that kind of perfect where everything is right but the kind where there is less worrying, less judgement, less stress. Where you live the moment, where you talk not just to speak but to listen, listen to their passion, the pain, the struggle, the stories, the happiness, the dreams and everything else that we keep caged in our hearts and feel it too deeply. The kind of perfect when the minds are effusive yet the aura around you is serene. The time trickles slowly for the two long lost friends, engrossed empathising everything to understand the diversity of life. The kind of perfect where the endless thoughts cannot be contained in the hour-glass. It overflows and will keep overflowing until the next time they meet in the same spot, with the same choice of beverage, in the same tucked away cafe but may be the sky will drizzle and they will listen to Hey Delilah and absorb everything to the bone.


Aditi Karmakar

I like how my words flow with my emotions so I preserve them, I write.