Aditi Karmakar
Oct 17, 2020

The right decision and the wrong.

Who are we to judge?

Who are we to comprehend?

How we decide?

How we understand?

We can’t.

There is just only a decision.

May be right, may be wrong.

Or it is the right or the wrong.

The decision is as per our convenience.

The decision is tagged with strings of consequence.

We dare to make it right then it’s right.

We fail, it’s wrong.

The only way to understand is to give time.

And some more time, abundance of time,

May be few hours or a day or years or may be a lifetime.

The right decision and the wrong never exists.

There are only decisions.

Decisions we take,

And then make it right or may be wrong.


Aditi Karmakar

I like how my words flow with my emotions so I preserve them, I write.