Aditi Karmakar
3 min readSep 24, 2019

I wonder what God thinks of us while peeping down from heaven.

He pities us for not knowing anything when he himself knows what’s going to happen with each individual. How strangely annoying and restless that might be! They knowing the simplest way to our destination but we taking all the tangled zig zag long way to reach the same destination.

Looking at the people who loves them, worships them, then the bunch of people who denies their existence and the another set who are annoyed with them. It’s fairly possible that they have no control over what we do.

May be they just only know what’s gonna happen and that’s why they are called Gods – because they know everything. May be it’s we who have created this idea that God has the power to change, manipulate and do things. Every ideology has maybes. And then the maybes segregate people as per their beliefs.

And I belong to the group, I don’t even know if people are going to agree to what I believe or even do I have any group of the same belief. But here it goes, I strongly believe God’s were humans like us but they unlocked some unknown scientific fact of their bodies and minds which gave them the super power to observe and do things. And all those who couldn’t do it started bowing down to them, worshiping them.

All I believe is there is some supernatural power which has no shape or name, something that no one knows but that’s the power God’s are answering to. The deities are all either humans who got to know the secret of using their bodies and minds in the fullest way or they are imaginary stories of people which they chanted like mantras to their next generation and eventually this was a ritual followed by every generation to their next with something extra added to it to make it more interestingly flabbergasting .

It might create conflicts with the people who have beliefs different than mine. But I am a human with a mind which functions uniquely and produces opinions which are different or similar to others. It might hurt someone or annoy them but it’s okay to have opinions which are comfortable for your mind to relate. But one should always be open to different perspectives because you never know you might find sense in some other perception and maybe mould your beliefs according to that.

For me I know there is destiny, there is fate and then there is this supernatural power. And at the end of the day what’s written for you is gonna happen. There are lots of possible ways to your destination, which is in your hand to choose. You might think there are different destinations too because of the different paths you get to choose but the destination, always and always is the same for you.


Aditi Karmakar

I like how my words flow with my emotions so I preserve them, I write.