Aditi Karmakar
2 min readJan 9, 2020

Tell me about your home.

What’s it like there?

I have a beautiful mother and a father with the most honest morals. A younger brother who is shy to show his love for me and a sister, my pet who is the happiest whenever I come back home. My grandfather who is old but his heart is evergreen and a sweet, sweet grandmother whose prayers always protect me.

Home is always sweet but sour at times. But its the place which will always have my heart. Whenever I am there I will surely quarrel with my mother and then I don’t know how it resolves and I end up pouring my heart to her. The presence of my brother is enough for me, we are secret best friends which we both will never say or agree. Talking to my grandparents makes me realise how lucky I am to be a part of this family. Daddy when comes home feels like festivals cause he is hard to be seen. Jenny, my pet the best of all of them, even me.

When I was always at home I never thought I am so lucky to have them but then distance made me feel the chains of attachment I got, are so strong, that it hurts to be away from them. Now, when I am far off I feel it, the absence craves for the presence. The home is not the house where I live in but its the people who have raised me, secretly sacrificed for me, unconditionally loved me, took care of me and did everything to make me strong, happy and contented and still doing it with all the zeal.

I can’t tell you about home cause its a feeling so deep, which I crave for every breath I take in.

How it feels when you are wandering in the wide, hot, humid desert for fortnights and you find a oasis unexpectedly? That satisfaction, that hope, that happiness, that peace, that every good feeling in the universe that exists you feel that time, is what I feel at home.

Home, the best feeling and the best people of my life. Home, a happy memory which makes me sad with its absence. Home, where I belong. Home, wherever you go, just take me along. Home, I have not seen you for so long. Home, do you miss me now?, when I am gone.




Aditi Karmakar

I like how my words flow with my emotions so I preserve them, I write.